A Diary of my everyday observations, opinions, books I read, things I enjoy. :)
Sweet Tennessee!

November 30, 2013
A Little Skunk Love Story
Stinky Love
Coco Skunk met her true love while walking in the park!
She and Darren Skunk met often in the moonlight, after dark..
Now they're married,
And not at all harried!
They walk in the mornings to the sweet song of a lark!
Coco is a much older girl..
Darren gave her a sweet, freshwater pearl!
She worries about her age..
She once was on the Broadway Stage!
But Darren doesn't mind, and under the stars they twirl!
Darren is a quite a handsome young man..
Of Broadway plays, he's quite a big fan!
He likes to wear his purple bowties..
Darren's honest and never tells any lies!
Darren is young, but a much better man than Stan*!
Mary R.
*More about Stan a little later on.. :)
I think a late autumn storm is on its way! I hope Coco and Darren have sought shelter. I love sky like this sometimes. :) Have a lovely evening, and i'll be back soon. Peace!
November 6, 2013
Daphne and Stephen Have a Date!
Daphne Duck loves to wear red!
She has a small closet at the foot of her bed..
She lives by Birdie Pond
Of Stephen Duck.. she's very fond!
They dance in the moonlight behind the old shed.
It's important she keep her webbed feet bare!
For expensive shoes, she therefore doesn't care..
She wears a sparkling garnet necklace..
A gift from Stephen.. he's not at all feckless!
It's a wonderful love the two of them share!
Stephen Duck has very sweet eyes..
He adores his Daphne, and wouldn't tell her lies!
The walk side by side..
Across the moonlit pond they glide..
Every so often they share some cherry pies!
Mary R.
Daphne and Stephen side by side. :)
Goodnight for now, and have a lovely evening! Peace, all.
November 5, 2013
A Tale of Two Ducks!
Daphne and Stephen
Stephen and Daphne are a couple of happy ducks!
Happily married and in love.. aw shucks! :)
Daphne is healthy..
Though they're not wealthy..
Stephen needs his bill fixed, and they don't have the bucks!
They're both so glad there's health care reform!
Until now, good medical care has not been their norm..
They tried with all their might..
And got on the HCA website!
Now Stephen's bill will weather the storm!
Daphne loves Stephen 'cause he's super smart..
But he's also quite shy, so they had a slow start!
But Daphne's a hot ticket..
So they made out in a thicket!
Sometimes they get wine at the local Moon-Mart!
Daphne and Stephen think it should be single payer all the way!
But some of their friends don't like it, so they say nay!
Daphne thinks it's fair..
And Stephen loves to share!
And they think all the voters will soon have their say!
Mary R.
Pretty autumn sky! Goodnight for now, and have a lovely rest of your evening and a great Wednesday. Peace!
October 30, 2013
Duke and Tammy.. Part the Gazillionth
Duke and Tammy's Treasure
Tammy and Duke's treasure gives them much pleasure..
They love to share with others, and they have empathy beyond measure!
Now their buddy Geoff needs a cure..
He has two broken teeth, that is sure..
Geoff will get help from D and T and their silver treasure!
Geoff is a very cute, but sometimes smelly skunk!
He lives in a den beside a pine tree trunk!
He broke his teeth while eating a nut..
Geoff needs them mended; there is no but..
Duke and Tammy can help, their coins are not junk!
Geoff, at this time, has preexisting conditions..
It'll cost too much for hospital admissions..
So his friends will help!
And he won't have to eat kelp..
Tammy can drive.. 'cause Geoff's car didn't pass emissions!
Meanwhile Tammy is making Geoff yummy soup!
So the tooth pain won't take poor Geoffrey for a loop..
Broccoli and cheese, or basil-tomato..
Sometimes rich cream of potato!
It's all going well, 'cause Agent Snee's no longer a snoop.
Geoff gets to join Duke and Tammy at their dinner..
When he's better, he'll have Tammy's pie, and that's sure a winner!
There'll be meatloaf and pot roast..
And sometimes peanut butter and toast!
Duke and Tammy offer him gin and tonics, but Geoff is not a gin-ner.. *
*gin-ner.. means drinker of gin. Poetic license 'cause i want to. lol.
Mary R.
You all have an excellent evening, and i'll be back!
'Upside down' Snickie says goodnight too. And peace all!
October 20, 2013
Duke and Tammy Are No Longer on the Lammy!
So it's time for Tammy and Duke Larry to be home!
Now they're safe from Agent Snee, so no reason to roam..
Though they can roam if they want to..
Around the world to someplace like Corfu!
Or to a small and cozy love shack way up in Nome! :)
But surely not a poorly built house with a tin roof!
Agent Snee could likely find them, though he has no proof..
They're home in Oregon where they belong..
It's perfect in their woods; it's never wrong!
And everyone is very happy not one friend is aloof.
Nasty Agent Snee was reprimanded by his boss..
So he's the guy who'll take the loss!
Duke and Tammy are nice..
They're not mad; generosity will suffice.
Their treasure's under the tree so covered with moss!
The winters in Oregon are rainy and dark.
But their cabin in the woods is sturdy-made of bark!
And Tammy can bake her baklava and cake!
And Duke can have his favorite coffee shake..
Duke Larry has buddy Badger Lee nearby.. so he's happy as a lark!
Mary R.
And while Duke and Tammy were on the lammy, this was their theme song. :) It's also a way back play back favorite of mine! I hope you enjoy it.. it's called Roam, by the B-52s..
Okay, just one more thing before i go for the evening..
A little serenity on Sunday night! I'll be back here soon, and peace all.
October 10, 2013
Five Quickie Randoms --
Good evening all! Joining Nancy Claeys at her wonderful blog A Rural Journal, where she hosts a fun Friday meme called 'Random 5 Friday'. It's where we can share 5 facts about ourselves, our week, our pets, our kids.. whatever we want! I hope you'll join. It can be found here...
Here are mine for this week. I'm gonna see how short and sweet i can make 'em. Just to see if i can. Here goes!
1. This week, we've had ants in our mailbox. Yes that's right. Ants. A gazillion of them. I've used Windex to spray and have placed a couple of traps in there. But they're still swarming, or whatever it is ants do. It's now Duane's job to get the mail. I will not stick my hand in there. Not gonna happen. And it's weird. There has never been any food in our mailbox. Have you ever heard of such a bizarre thing??
2. I'm reading a novel called The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht. It's excellent, and i adore it so far. On chapter 7. Enthralling! :)
3. I've decided i'm going to teach myself to speak Danish. No particular reason.. i just want to. I decide things this way sometimes. The why of it is something i can't explain. But i won't be satisfied now until i do it. Sometimes i can't make up my mind to save my life, it seems, but then there are times like this...
4. I haven't watched the new TV show Black List with James Spader. So many people i know say it's brilliant, but i don't know if it's my thing or not. Guess i won't know until i try it, will i?
5. Yesterday i had an Ambrosia apple for the first time ever! Talk about delicious. Not sure why i'd never tried one, but now it's my favorite kind! Much easier to choose a favorite kind of a type of fruit than a favorite book even when i narrow it down to one genre. I also have a favorite kind of nectarine, (Zephyr,) and a favorite leafy green, (kale.)
Well, there you go! I kept it pretty short, right?
Hearts can be found in the oddest places. Have a wonderful weekend. I'll be back soon!
September 30, 2013
Duke, Tammy.. and Marilee the Skunk
In some brush in the forest lives skunk Marilee..
She protects Duke and Tammy from nasty Agent Snee!
Marilee knows Ostrich Odette..
They met at their vet!
Unlike Badger Lee, Marilee has a sturdy right knee!
Marilee likes the occasional martini..
She also loves some Paganini!
She loves books like Odette..
But has never flown on a jet!
Marilee is sweet; hardly a stinky meanie!
It was Odette who introduced Marilee to Tammy and Duke Larry..
Now she's also friends with Tammy's sister Sherri!
They all get along..
And sing a lovely friendship song!
They know of Agent Snee they all must be wary!
Soon Duke and Tammy will return home from Dallas!
And toward Agent Snee, they truly have no malice..
But Snee isn't nice..
So Duke and all think twice..
And toward Marilee, Snee's especially callous!
Marilee's such a sweet skunk..
But she thinks Snee's a real punk!
So at him she'll squirt..
And hope he lands in the dirt!
So into the tomato juice, his head he'll dunk!
Mary R.
Well that's it for Part I'm not Sure. :) Just a photo of Marilee's hiding place before i go for the night!
See those bushes? That's our sweet skunk's home. :) Have a wonderful Tuesday all, and peace! I'll be back soon..
September 16, 2013
Duke and Tammy Are Still On the Lammy!
On the Run!
Duke Larry and his Tammy are still on the lammy!
They 'hopped' a plane, and found themselves in Miami..
They love the food!
And they're in a vacation mood..
But if Snee shows up, they'll surely have to scrammy!
They've been a little homesick..
And want to go home right quick!
But Snee's on their trail..
It's all getting a little stale..
Duke and Tammy think they're lucky that Snee's such a hick!
In the meantime Badger Lee and Ava are at home by the lake..
And Lee's new wife makes him lots of pies and cake!
Lee has a healed knee because of his friend, Duke Larry!
Now Duke is helping another friend, Bobcat Gerry!
Duke Larry uses his fortune for his many friends' sake!
Duke Larry is a hero to many, but not to Officer Snee!
Snee will never find the fortune buried beneath the tree..
The money is saved for good
And spent when it's good for the 'hood!
Duke is a wonderful friend, and will always be loyal to Lee!
Mary R.
Cranberry and white beauty! Have a wonderful Tuesday. I'll be back soon...
August 26, 2013
Friendship Badger/Snail Style!
Badger Love and Honeymoon.. :)
On their Fargo trip, Lee and Ava Badger have gone..
They've avoided Snee, but now must run from Officer Ron!
Fargo is fairly flat!
Oregon's not at all like that!
But they're staying at a place where they can dance 'til dawn!
They're waiting for their friends, Tammy and Duke Larry..
T and D have been in Philly where they've been quite wary!
It's time to head home..
To their sweet cabin-dome!
So when Lee and Ava are done honeymooning they will not tarry!
Badger Lee and sweet Badger Ava will dance in the moonlight..
Then start the long walk home in a week, when the time is right!
But Duke and Tammy will fly..
The time is drawing nigh..
Their forest home in Oregon will be a wonderful sight!
Their fortune is safely under the big Douglas Fir!
Badger Lee dug a deep hole, that's for sure!
Badgers are awesome diggers..
Not bothered by pesky chiggers..
And all four are clever at hiding.. so won't be found by Snee's lure!
It's almost time for a fun double date!
Duke, Tammy, Badger Lee and Lee's new mate!
Spinach salad and steak dinner..
So sure to be a winner!
And some twirling on the dance floor for all four.. until it's very late!
Mary R.

And a sweet bouquet of lovely pink rhododendron before i say bye for now. Have a wonderful Tuesday, and i'll be back!
August 24, 2013
Big Badger Lee Takes a Wife!
A Badger and His Bride
On a gorgeous day in hot, sunny August..
Badger Lee said to his girl.. today it's marriage or bust!
She wore red roses on her head..
Because to a wedding, a badger can wear red..
They said their vows and left Agent Snee in their dust!
His beautiful bride is named Ava Elaine..
She changed her name from Selma Jane!
Ava loves to bake..
Sweet pies, but not cake!
Low fat and low calorie, so weight Lee won't gain!
Big Lee and his lady are honeymooning in Fargo..
They're saving their cash so didn't go to Key Largo!
It's quite a long walk..
But they love to talk!
And Lee wants to avoid his pain of an ex.. Badger Margo..
In Fargo they'll meet up with Duke Larry and Tammy..
Who've stayed ten days in Philly while still on the lammy! *
Snee's still clueless..
Plus now he's shoeless
He's on the verge of being fired, so he's in a real jammy! *
Mary R.
* = poetic license because i can! :)
And just this before i go...
Reminiscing about Springtime and the lovely yellow, sweetly scented Freesia. Have a wonderful Sunday, and i'll be back as always...
August 20, 2013
Two Snails and a Big Badger
A Short Tail.. ahem..Tale
In his friends' absence.. Big Badger Lee holds down the fort!
He watches their small cabin, which for him is way too short..
It's built for two snails,
And with wood joints; not nails!
Badger Lee he likes to build, not for work, but for sport! :)
Duke Larry and Tammy are hiding out in Philly!
But they make solid plans, and don't go willy nilly..
They love their steak and cheese!
Unlike Lee, they have no knees..
While Agent Snee looks in wrong places, 'cause he's so darn silly..
Badger Lee's bum knee is great and good as new!
He no longer has to limp, so for him it's do do do!
But he likes to put his feet up..
And drink a beer with his supp..
He loves to cook, plus he puts Guinness in his stew!
He misses Tammy.. she's a good friend and likes to bake!
She makes every kind of pie, pastry and super delicious cake!
He also misses Duke Larry..
Perhaps he needs a pretty badger to marry?
Then he can build he and his sweetheart a log cabin by the lake!
Mary R.
I love these roses! I don't see this color very often. They're fresh and crisp, yet soft and lovely at the same time! Have a great Wednesday, and i'll be back...
August 3, 2013
Duke and Tammy, Part the Third!
Hideout By the Lake
D and T have found a miniature safe house!
Too small for a cat, but large enough for a mouse.
They've plenty of room..
To stay safe from doom!
Agent Snee is such a super big louse..
Their new hideout's by Grand Sing-a-Tune Lake..
It's covered with great, and sturdy cedar shake!
They're safe and sound..
And won't be found!
By a crooked FBI Agent Snee on the make!
D and T have a car.. and they have a canoe..
Their cabin has indoor plumbing, no outside loo!
Tammy can drive..
Duke can dive!
They can sit on the shore and enjoy the sweet morning dew!
They skinny dip to the light of the big Pink Moon!
And hope the cops don't find them out soon..
They're not bad snails..
Not at all off the rails!
They've paid others' bills since the hot month of June!
Their lottery winnings stashed under the tall fir tree!
In a hole dug by their friend, Big badger Lee..
They took a bill from his box
And they paid for his socks
Now Lee can stay warm and fix his bum badger knee!
Thus ends Part 3 of Duke Larry and Tammy's story! More soon. It's a continuing story after all. Wait.. isn't that a soap opera?? :) Almost time for me to take off. But first.. and this is how it always goes:
I've no idea what this is. I saw it at the market the other day, and just thought it was cool! Anyone have an idea? Anyway, have a beautiful Sunday, and i'll be back soon. M
August 1, 2013
Further Tales of Duke and Tammy.. Five Verses!
So here we are again. Just about fabulous Friday, and i'm joining Nancy Claeys at her beautiful blog 'A Rural Journal' for her fun meme Random 5 Friday. It's where we can share 5 random facts about our week, our families, ourselves, our pets.. anything we want! It can be found here:
This week, i'm doing a random rhyme about my characters.. those mail stealing on the run snails, Duke Larry and Tammy. :) In five verses of course. I hope you enjoy it!
Duke and Tammy on the Lammy Part II :)
Sweet Tammy now has her license to drive!
So she and Duke won't have to hide out in a dive..
They can get away faster!
And not court disaster..
Agent Snee won't find them, and they'll stay alive!
Until now, they've sought safety in a field of wheat..
But there it's rather dry, and not very sweet.
Snails like it wet..
Plus water's where they met..
A tiny house by a pond really can't be beat!
FBI Agent Rob Snee is tracking them down!
Now that Tammy can drive, they're fast out of town!
Snee looks everywhere..
But he tears out his hair.. :)
And so sadly, all he can do is frown!
Duke and Tammy steal snail bills and pay them off!
They don't steal identities as they hear Snee scoff..
He thinks it's a crime..
And they're covered in slime
Plus Snee's trying to please his Big Boss 'The Hoff'!
I admit i'm rooting for Tammy and Duke Larry!
To me, neither of them is one bit scary!
She has a good heart..
He's good and he's smart!
And they get lots of help from her sister Sherri!
Mary R.
So there it is. The next installment to come soon. Have a great weekend, and i'll be back soon. But first, of course..
I can't get enough of the lovely roses! Happy Friday, all!
July 28, 2013
The Continuing Story of Duke and Tammy On the Lammy!
Remember Duke Larry the Snail of North Street?
The snail who steals mail on South Avenue of Sweet..
He's on the run with Tammy..
Who's with him on the lammy!
They hide out together in the big field of wheat!
Officer Dyme loves to follow their trail of slime..
They know identity theft is a real bad crime!
They run and hide..
Far and wide..
And stop at pubs on the way and drink gin with lime..
The lovers stay together in a safe house made of bricks!
Tammy bakes many cakes, chocolate ones, just for kicks!
They swim in the sun..
Two lovers on the run..
Though they live in a field, they've no trouble with ticks!
Sweet Tammy wears some lovely blue dresses
That go so well with her shiny blonde tresses!
At night they dance together,
In rain or beautiful weather!
They're great at cleaning up their slimy, snail-y messes!
Where they hide out, there's no TV..
And Tammy sure misses her OPB!
Duke misses baseball..
He can't go to the mall..
Because they also hide out from FBI Agent Snee!
Mary R.
All for this evening... :)
Have a lovely Monday, and i'll be back soon. M
June 18, 2013
Of Ostriches, Sand and a Cat Named Josephine.. :)
Oh yeah.. a couple of months ago
I started.. watching 'news' again.
Why? You might ask.. because i felt
Out of it.. clueless. As an educated human, i
Prefer open doors to
Closed. Sunlight to dank dark. Wedgewood blue
Sky to the charcoal gray. That is for grilling. :)
I love uplift over
Down draft. The warm sand? Where's the warm sand?
Asks my alter ego.. Odette the Ostrich. In my head goes,
But not too deep. Just enough to cover my
Ostrich-y ears! There's just too much bad.
An abundance of toxic scrap. So under i go for
Another maybe middle sized break.
Where's my sweet friend, Josephine? My amber eyed
Calico friend.. She helps me out of the sand.. brings me
Out of my snug shell. :) My hiking, sky-diving, dancing kitty
Friend. We've hiked many a trail together, but i've yet
to go the sky-dive route. She's pretty persuasive, my Jo best buddy
Cat. We've shared oodles of long talks on walks in the woods.
Among the firs, the spruce, and the huge sequoia arms
And limbs. She and i understand their whispers. Their secrets.
Heed their sound advice. Nature is wise medicine. Better than TV.
Music! The classical! The blues! Jo and i share those too.
So i guess my head doesn't need to go under, though
At times, we ostriches like to dig down. There's plenty of
Fun to be had with good friends and good times!
And psst.. i'll tell you a little secret. We must keep it to
Ourselves. Sometimes this ostrich and this kitty enjoy
A little sip and nip of some red wine and cheese.
Just for fun. You won't tell right? You see, we are special
feline and bird. We travel and have hobbies together
Unlike other kitties and birds. So there! Sometimes those
Who are different can get along! What do you think
Of that??
Phew. Well time for bed for this human. :)
And just a little something more.. Odette, Josephine, and i, Mary, share a great love for flowers of all kinds!
Goodnight. I'll be back soon.. M
June 15, 2013
Summertime Joy
Golden sunshine, delicious
Warmth on my arms and
My face. Kitties nap bellies up exposed to happy pools
Made by the buttery, sweet yellow orb.
Love putting my hands on their lovely,
Soft bodies. Hi sweeties.. isn't summer
Marvelous? :) Yes. Yes it is! They say with
Their wonderful feline eyes!
Froggies shout their eagerness..
Sing us to sleep on glorious windows-open
Nights. I love the heat and the evening breeze whispering its
Tales to me as i drift away. The stars tell stories too.
Vivid poems of their adventures lighting
The world. Love stories a gazillion years old! How the
Stars adored Van Gogh and understood him
As no one on Earth. Beautiful citrine and saffron colored flowers
Tilting in the summertime breeze. They nod goodnight as we
Drift to sleepy peace.. and dreams of tomorrow's
Adventures. Wherever our imaginations carry us.
Garden faeries in their gem colored gowns
Float among the big trees ringing their tiny bells
Of summer. We celebrate our fathers. Our mothers.
Our independence! Our love for friends and neighbors
At merry outdoor parties. Barefoot, and ouch on that hot top!
LOL. My toenails done in sunflower yellow. Kids out of school. Freedom!
Careful all! It'll pass before we know it. Must grasp time quickly! Seize
The sunshine. Sip the wine. Drink the sweet tea. Share the love.
Never wish time away. It passes in its own way....We must be
Vigilant, or it will disappear like a bunny back into a hat.
Well, all.. have a wonderful Sunday! The Solstice is drawing near!
I'll be back soon. M
April 15, 2013
Heart sliced open.
Eyes running faucets..
Dry salty face.. can't swallow,
But choke. More names on list
After Newtown. More. :( Why,
I ask again. Though not about me.
Children happily watch with
Families. Who knew?? More confusion
For all. It's Patriot's Day. Flags wave,
People run for hope and happiness.
But run into horror.
A rush of people to help.
Even amidst violence.. goodness
Shows! Tears, shouts of pain, and
Many, many
Questions. Why this time?? I heard
some upset about tightened security.
Seriously? Some might be behind 'schedule'?
Does it matter? Really? Their selfishness shows in
Neon. None of us an island..
A lone rock in the sea. But sometimes i
Wonder. Their self importance idiotic!
Simple inconvenience. Just deal people.
My head goes back in sand, if
only a little. I want some good
News as my heart breaks. So i pull my
Head out, and watch some news.
It's not good, but i have to know.
To go outside myself. Where the rest
Of our world lives
And loves. I'm not an island. But i'm profoundly
Sad. I shake my head.. Not again!
But i'm riveted to TV. Answers..
Not yet. My body shakes in
anger and sadness. I pound a
Pillow some. Disbelief, sickness.
Still i count my blessings and pray for those
Hurt and Lost. Remember my beautiful
Family and great friends. Know i'm one person, but hope my
Thoughts and prayers count. I wish peace for all,
But, it may be a long wait... Love to all... and the truth will
Come out...
I'll be back soon. M
Eyes running faucets..
Dry salty face.. can't swallow,
But choke. More names on list
After Newtown. More. :( Why,
I ask again. Though not about me.
Children happily watch with
Families. Who knew?? More confusion
For all. It's Patriot's Day. Flags wave,
People run for hope and happiness.
But run into horror.
A rush of people to help.
Even amidst violence.. goodness
Shows! Tears, shouts of pain, and
Many, many
Questions. Why this time?? I heard
some upset about tightened security.
Seriously? Some might be behind 'schedule'?
Does it matter? Really? Their selfishness shows in
Neon. None of us an island..
A lone rock in the sea. But sometimes i
Wonder. Their self importance idiotic!
Simple inconvenience. Just deal people.
My head goes back in sand, if
only a little. I want some good
News as my heart breaks. So i pull my
Head out, and watch some news.
It's not good, but i have to know.
To go outside myself. Where the rest
Of our world lives
And loves. I'm not an island. But i'm profoundly
Sad. I shake my head.. Not again!
But i'm riveted to TV. Answers..
Not yet. My body shakes in
anger and sadness. I pound a
Pillow some. Disbelief, sickness.
Still i count my blessings and pray for those
Hurt and Lost. Remember my beautiful
Family and great friends. Know i'm one person, but hope my
Thoughts and prayers count. I wish peace for all,
But, it may be a long wait... Love to all... and the truth will
Come out...
I'll be back soon. M
March 4, 2013
Um.. Gravity! :)
Gravity was on my mind quite a bit today. Especially this morning as i dressed and groomed to go out for the day. The thought of the word.. gravity.. and its definition mean many things to me at my advancing age. But there's one thought that's been first and foremost in my mind recently. About gravity, that is. (I think about many things, and my mind has a tendency to wander sorta far!) But here's the dictionary definition first of all:
Gravity: The force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass. And the degree of intensity of this.
There it is. Heavy gravity laden sigh.
My thought has been.. well.. its effect on my body. You know what i mean? :) And i think if someone came up with a cure, or a remedy for gravity, (only in certain situations of course, after all, gravity has a purpose,) the Universe would owe him/her an enormous debt of gratitude. I'm talking about an anti-gravity supplement for those of us over, say, 45. This supplement.. if taken with an appropriate, healthy amount of cardio exercise/ strength training, would reduce gravity's effect on our mammary glands and our gluteus maximus. And if that supplement were to contain.. say.. a little chocolate, all the better! Any thoughts? Of course this vitamin would have no negative side effects, and there would definitely NOT be any obnoxious television advertisements that list all kinds of negative things about this anti-gravity 'enhancer'. ie.. 'Don't take this if you have... blah.. blah.. blah. And maybe this vitamin could lessen the shock to our systems provided by gravity's increasing affect on us. Because, at least as far as i'm concerned, this sagging and bagging of certain parts of my anatomy has occurred overnight. In the blink of an eye. A snap of my fingers. And i don't like it one bit! I found this little song on youtube that added some humor to my day. A song about gravity. Here goes!
That made me smile. Just like the thought of a chocolate anti-gravity supplement. Something has to do the trick for goodness' sake! I walk and i walk, i do leg lifts, etc. But my bum is going down. Just like an escalator. And it seems to be going at an awfully high rate of speed. And my breasts, well, they're losing their primness at lightning speed. Or is the speed of sound faster? I forget. No! No more talk of forgetting! I'm getting sleepy so off i go for now.
Snickers and our other kitties say goodnight for now. I'll be back soon! M :)
February 27, 2013
Brain Jumble.. or My Mind is Like a Crossword Puzzle!
How do i shorten this post title? I have no answer to that. All day long i thought it was Thursday. Five Across.. what day of the week starts with 'W' and is called Hump Day? What day.. mixed up.. is Dewesnady? My brain has been this way all day long. Since i woke up at 6:30 am. And it's not as if i had a lazy day. I didn't. I had a good, strong five mile walk this morning. I volunteered for four hours this afternoon. (I volunteer at a local Portland hospital.) I love it. :) I went book and magazine shopping afterward. I had no problem making a decision about which books and mags i wanted! (I never do.) Books are my bag. On my walk, my mind was everywhere. And i was fine this pm, until the second i opened the exit door and walked to my car in the hospital parking garage. I again lost all focus. I meant to call my mother and mother in law. I forgot about 'em! But it will be our secret. I can't let either of them know that. I also forgot to fill my car with gas on the way home. Luckily the little light isn't on. But this must be the first errand i run tomorrow morning. After a long walk to (hopefully) clear the cobwebs. Eight across.. what's that stuff you put in your car that makes it run? I'm going to try Sudoku, and get a few crossword puzzles to work on while S is in Tokyo. They're supposed to help sharpen one's mind, right? So many times in the last couple of weeks, a word has been on the tip of my tongue, and all of a sudden someone will ask me, and i draw a big blank! I think, what is his her name again? It begins with an 'L'. Yes.. it's L something. Or was that G? Yeesh! So that was my day. Hot flash free, and no anxiety, but lots of mind jumbles. Annoying. I'm determined to get a fabulous night's sleep tonight, and tomorrow i shall remember everything! My mind will be a glorious font of knowledge. And if you believe that, i've a bridge in.. let me see.. what was that place again? Fargo. Yes, a bridge in Fargo to sell you! :D
Well, i have another hour or so before i head to bed for that great night's sleep! Replenish my mind's connections.. or something. :)
I love duckies! Why did the ducks cross the road? I've no idea, but i'll bet they remember! lol I'll be back soon. M
February 19, 2013
Kitty Sweetness!
Good evening, all. For today, just this...
'What greater gift than the love of a cat?'--- Charles Dickens
Shh.. Snickers thinks i can't see her. lol.
Sweet, soulful Otis..
Wonderful Tortie! Sweetheart.
And adorable, always dressed to the nines, Tennessee! Check out those whiskers!
Have a wonderful evening and Wednesday everyone! I'll be back soon.. M
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