A Diary of my everyday observations, opinions, books I read, things I enjoy. :)
Sweet Tennessee!

December 28, 2011
It's Wintertime!
It's officially Winter all! It has felt like Winter, at least in these Northwest parts, for about six weeks. Now of course, with the celebration of the Solstice having passed and all, the season is officially upon us. I've made a decision to embrace it! To welcome it with open arms and a big happy grin on my face. Today.. we have heavy rain and temperatures hovering between forty eight to fifty two degrees. 'Normal' Oregon Winter weather. And believe it or not.. i'm loving the rain. Just took a four mile walk in it. Think it's time i check my feet for webbing. :) .... Nope. I still have regular feet! I love to walk in the rain. I won't melt after all. And i have a bright, beautiful, lemon yellow umbrella to brighten the gray skies! The rain makes me want to walk faster to dodge raindrops. It's more comfy to walk in the rain than it is in the cold. I just need to wear the proper rain gear, and voila! All set. No sidewalks covered with ice. And this moisture is excellent for my complexion let me tell you! It's good for the trees. For the grass. The moss. :D That last item, we could clearly live without. But all in all.. and here.. i like to quote from a song i like.. 'raindrops keep fallin' on my head! But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red! Cryin's not for me! 'Cause i'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'!..... And so on and so forth.. In the spirit of the colder, darker season, which, as i stated above, i'm embracing with a happy heart, i want to share two beautiful songs.. one classical and one a blues piece.. that go along with my wintry spirit. Ready to listen to some beautiful music? Sit back and listen with a nice warm mug of something yummy. I will. As i listen to the rain on our roof, and watch the darkening sky.. This is beautiful music indeed...
Vivaldi's 'Winter' is my favorite of his 'Four Seasons', and one of my favorite selections of music in the Universe. Easy to embrace Winter.. the actual season.. when there's gorgeous music like that to be heard..
Now.. for number two..
Ah Stormy Weather.. in one's heart, AND in the great outdoors! Wonderful. Well.. peace all. Hope you've had some time to relax and enjoy the company of your loved ones this last week or so. Sending this out with love on this Wednesday, the Twenty Eighth of December, Two Thousand Eleven. M for Musical Winter Heart!
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