A Diary of my everyday observations, opinions, books I read, things I enjoy. :)
Sweet Tennessee!

February 6, 2012
Magnificent Cheese & Scrumptious Chocolate!
Woohoo! It's Double C day here on MML! C number 1 for Cheese, and C number 2 for Chocolate. Or the other way around if you prefer. My two favorite C things in the world. What a way to begin a week! (Yes, i realize that Sunday is officially the first day of the seven day week, but i prefer to 'start' my week on Monday. Especially after yesterday. It was a lazy, super duper lazy Sunday in this house. With the Super Bowl and all. Too much great TV. And as i mentioned in last night's post, 'Downton Abbey' was on. I mean.. i absolutely could NOT miss that. And believe me, i 'never' sit in front of the TV machine that much. But wait, i guess i can't say never anymore, can i? And tonight, another fabulous fav of mine is on. 'Antiques Roadshow'! Also on PBS. Seems to me i cannot live without my PBS(OPB). There i go again. Must get back to chocolate and cheese!
Last week, i tried a delicious kind of cheese that i think you all would love. It's called Petit Basque. Or sometimes, P'tit Basque. It's a yummy, hard sheep's milk cheese made in France in the Pyrenees Mountains. The mountains that form the beautiful border between France and its neighbor, Spain. I've never seen that area but in photographs. I hope to get there someday relatively soon. But those i know who've been tell me it's breathtaking. This is a modern French cheese. Not a few hundred years old like many French cheeses i adore. Its year is 1997. So, VERY new in terms of cheese! It's a beautiful, buttery yellow, and has a slightly oily feel. And its scent is divine. And i hope you won't shy away from it because it's a sheep's milk cheese. You'll be missing out. :) I got S to sample a little, and he loves it. He crinkled his nose a little, and said... SHEEP'S milk cheese?' And i said, yes honey. Try it. You'll like it! And voila! He DOES like it. And he can be rather little-boyish sometimes when it comes to trying new foods. Meat and potatoes man that he is. Petit Basque has a slightly nutty flavor. Yummy! I tried a little Sauvignon Blanc with a piece, and i was in Heaven! The world of cheese is a beautiful place indeed.. Here's a pic. Today i purchased just a small wedge. After yesterday's over indulgence in food and sitting on my arse, i figured i'd take the pic and wrap the bugger back up for a later date. And yep. That's what i did. But it was not easy. It looked so... buttery and delicious.
Mmmmmmmm... Cheese! I know last time, i, posted about a French cheese also. And i was going to write about cheese from a different place this time.. but. Today, this is my fav. I promise you'll fall in love. And you know, Valentine's Day is super close! And i think, and am certain many would agree, that cheese is as yummy a V-Day gift as chocolate. Really!
And well, speaking of divine chocolate, i sampled a 'new' kind over the weekend. New to me anyway. The wrapper is.. pink. One of my favorite colors. I know i shouldn't judge a 'book' by its cover. But this particular time, my instincts were correct. (as they so often are.) :) It's called Theo chocolate, and it's made in Seattle. Their motto is.. "Theo Chocolate, because chocolate grows on trees." It's Fair Trade and organic. I was sold.
See? Pretty. And it's just as delicious as it is pretty on the outside. Salted almond dark. Wonderful flavor. And creamy. Yes! Super melt-in-your-mouth so.
And there it is in all its chocolatey glory! I wrapped it up and put it away, because as i said above, i WAY overindulged yesterday. And i'll NOT undo all my hard work. You know, getting up those early mornings and walking miles. I love putting those miles on and taking pounds off, and it will not be for naught! :D
Wow, i just looked up and it's dark out there! But the days are slowly getting longer, and the lovely Vernal Equinox is right around the corner. Have a beautiful rest of your Monday all! And try to take the time to stop and smell some chocolate or cheese. Or both if you have a mind. Sending out peace & love this Monday, February Sixth, Twenty Twelve! CC.. for.. well, you know.. :D
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Oh yummmmm! This looks and sounds so amazing! We are suckers for a good glass of wine, a stink cheese, and some chocolate. This post is right up our alley!
ReplyDeletePS. We've a DORIS giveaway on our blog! Check it out!
ox from NYC!
Dave and Erica,
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting me here. I love your comment! I too, think there's nothing quite like a great cheese, a beautiful glass of wine and a little yummy chocolate! The foods and drink of the gods. Who was the Greek God of wine? Dionysus i think. Anyway, he had it right. I visited your blog, and it's fabulous. You two look amazing! SO chic and stylish. I'll be visiting often. Thanks again for stopping by!