The Library
Overnight with books..
Would be great slumber party!
With just my friends, books!
Magical stories..
No lonely feeling with words!
I like people too!
Books come to life there!
Original ideas!
Thoughts passed on!
Yes. The library is one of my favorite places. I love the library when it's quiet and few people are there, but i also love when it's crowded and full of people reading and relaxing and learning. I love it also, sometimes, when it's full of children and story hour is happening! People are there for books and to learn and share ideas. Learn about our pasts. There is so much happiness there.

This an old building in the countryside about ten miles from Hillsboro, Oregon where i live. It was once used as a library and a schoolhouse; i believe during the 1920s and 30s. The other day, i heard that someone has bought this building and the land surrounding it and is planning to restore it! That's good news, i think! :)
You all have a lovely evening, and i'll be back soon!