Ick and smoky haze!
Constant noise and no daylight!
People look for what?
Wander through slots lost
Stare in space oblivious..
Just one more dollar..
Such life sucking place!
Dizzying and confusion!
Wanted my escape!
Now i am away!
Home with husband and my cats!
Big sigh of relief!
Well, i have now experienced Las Vegas! I wanted to go for a short holiday and was really looking forward to it, but i pretty much detested it. I know it's a popular destination, and most people love it there. Leave it to me to strongly dislike something.. someplace that's popular. The crowds. The smoke. The bad, unhealthy food. People go there in droves. The tackiness. The list of stuff i didn't like. Okay, enough sour grapes, and i don't mean to demean those who like it.. it just wasn't for me. Not passing judgment though. Just because i don't get it.. doesn't make it bad. To each our own, you know? :) But i'm glad, (like super duper glad) to be home!
I promise my next post will be more positive. I just wanted to get a few things off my chest here, then put the awfulness behind me.
You all have a great rest of the evening, and a very Happy New Year to you! I send peace and all my love to all!

I saw none of this while i was down there. No natural beauty. I missed it. I'll be back here soon! Peace.