A Diary of my everyday observations, opinions, books I read, things I enjoy. :)
Sweet Tennessee!

October 28, 2014
Jennie Kitty!
Jennie Kitty is super smart!
She loves human Kirk, though he likes to fart!
He gives her lots of treats..
As well as many, nutritious, yummy eats!
Jennie's a gorgeous kitty, a masterpiece work of nature's art!
Have a great Hump Day tomorrow!
August 2, 2014
Froggy Love!
Froggy Stella Jean is in search of a mate!
E-Harmony's no good for her to find a date..
She has a big crush on a froggy named Tom Bond..
He lives near sweet Stella out on Blue Pond!
Tom's the best looking froggy in her whole big state!
Stella loves to wear her little purple hat!
She's super duper fashionable, and that is that!
Tom's a little messy..
Not at all well dressy.. (poetic license :) )
Stella wants to help choose his wardrobe 'stat'!
Tom has surely noticed Stella..
She could certainly be his Cinderella!
But she has no slipper of glass..
Only plenty of sass!
Tom wants to be kind enough to be Stella's fella!
Mary R.
You all have a lovely weekend, and I'll be back soon! Peace and love and happy summertime!
March 18, 2014
Heather Hedgehog
Sweet Heather Hedgehog was lonely and cold,
But she managed to find food, because she is quite bold.
Then she was adopted by little Claire..
Who loves Heather and treats her fair..
The story has a loving ending, or so i'm told!
One of the things i love best in the world is a happy animal adoption story. When a dog, cat, rabbit, hedgehog or guinea pig finds love and a forever home! And humans find the unconditional love and devotion of a sweet pet! So wonderful!
Our adorable, adopted kitty, Tennessee who we love with all our hearts taking a warm, cozy nap in the sun puddle on our bed!
Goodnight and peace, all....
February 8, 2014
Our Otis
"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of humankind." --- Cleveland Amory, The Cat Who Came for Christmas
This was so true of our Otis Kitty. Husband and i said goodbye to him on Thursday. It was time, and we did the right thing for him. He suffered from kidney failure, and earlier in the week, had lost interest in eating at all. We loved him heart and soul, and he loved us and gave us so much joy over the seventeen years he was part of our family. It's difficult to put such love and devotion into words. It's a profoundly deep feeling. Now he is resting, relaxing, hunting and healthy in a place of happiness and love. I believe that with all my heart! Goodbye, my sweetheart. Rest well, and we send you much love...
Our wonderful, soulful boy. We'll always love you sweet kitty.
I wish you all peace and a lovely Sunday.
January 11, 2014
Turtle Haiku
Sweet turtle, hard shell..
Meditative and relaxed..
How do i hug you?
Mary R.
Pink roses mean true friendship. Sending peace to all. Have a wonderful Sunday!
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